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Our clients

The bank successfully works with both legal entities and private clients. Turonbank is characterized by a high ability to fulfill its financial obligations in a timely manner and in full. Turonbank has 20 branches in all regions of the Republic. This allows you to work with clients throughout Uzbekistan and provide banking services and financial support to subjects of all sectors of the economy.

Our clients

Client of the Turonbank's founded the Moxsar brand
Client of the Turonbank's founded the Moxsar brand
At the moment, only oil refinery plants “Oltiarik”, “Ferghana” and “Bukhara” are operating in our country. But thanks to the initiatives of the Head of our state, an opportunity is being created for businessmen who want to establish their business in this direction. In particular, the Uzbek-Korean j...
Exclusive project of the company "Shashlikuz Group"
Exclusive project of the company "Shashlikuz Group"
"Gastro expert" is an exclusive project of "Shashlikuz Group" company with 10 years of experience in the city of Samarkand – academy, which has introduced a modern and unusual way of personnel training in the direction of restaurant and service. This mono-center provides an opportunity to profession...
«Genotexnologiya» klinik laboratoriyasi
«Genotexnologiya» klinik laboratoriyasi
«Genotexnologiya» klinik laboratoriyasi 2015 yilda faoliyat boshlagan boʼlib, Oʼzbekistonda birinchilardan amaliy tibbiyotda yuqori texnologiyali molekulyar genetik yondashuvlarni ishlab chiqib, joriy etgan brend hisoblanadi. Klinikada xromosoma, irsiy genetik va onkogematolik kasalliklar, trombofil...
«Peng-Sheng» korxonasi
«Peng-Sheng» korxonasi
Turonbank bilan hamkorlikda faoliyat boshlangan yirik brendlar haqida soʼz ketganda, xalqimizga “Sirdaryo kafel” nomi bilan yaxshi tanish boʼlgan, Sirdaryo viloyati Sirdaryo tumanidagi 100 gektar maydonda joylashgan “Peng - Sheng” Oʼzbekiston – Xitoy qoʼshma korxonasini keltirishimiz mumkin. “Turonb...
Remote registration and identification of new customers through My ID system
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Mobile application MyTuron
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Conversion services for convertible foreign currencies
Available in Google PlayDownload to App Store
Mobile application MyTuron
Scan the QR-code with your smartphone for quick access to all bank services
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Payment by QR Code
Payment by QR Code
Payment by QR Code
You can pay for your purchase on the spot by HUMO PAY, QR code.
Available in Google PlayDownload to App Store
Mobile application MyTuron
Scan the QR-code with your smartphone for quick access to all bank services
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Single Call Center
Work schedule: 24/7
Work schedule: MO-FR 09:00-18:00
Countering corruption
Work schedule: MO-FR 08:00-22:00
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