Head office JSCB “Turonbank”
Way on map
Alisher Navoi Metro Station
Youth Theater of Uzbekistan
Interregional State Tax Inspectorate for Large Taxpayers
Bus stop "Polyclinic No. 14"
Buses: 35, 100, 123, 152, 157
Shuttle buses: 27m, 68m, 77m, 91m, 113m, 167m, 171m, 190m
Do you have any complaints, statements, suggestions or unresolved problems in JSCB «Turonbank»?
Send them directly to the Chairman of the Board of JSCB «Turonbank».
List of hotlines of JSCB "Turonbank"
(for appeals and complaints)
№ |
Branch |
Phone number |
1 |
Head bank |
0(371) 244-38-76 |
2 |
Syrdarya |
0(367) 227-24-00 |
3 |
Jizzakh |
0(372) 223-47-13 |
4 |
Fergana |
0(373) 244-06-16 |
5 |
Namangan |
0(369) 227-66-96 |
6 |
Karshi |
0(375) 225-60-47 |
7 |
Surkhandarya |
0(376) 223-06-99 |
8 |
Navai |
0(436) 224-47-39 |
9 |
Bukhara |
0(365) 223-59-97 |
10 |
Republic of Karakalpakstan |
0(361) 224-11-43 |
11 |
Khorezm |
0(362) 225-84-80 |
12 |
Mirabad |
0(371) 150-10-20 |
13 |
Tashkent |
0(595) 142-60-00 |
14 |
Chilanzar |
0(595) 197-80-97 |
15 |
Yashnabad |
0(371) 296-74-86 |
16 |
Zangiata |
0(595) 150-20-24 |
17 |
Shakhrisabz |
0(375) 522-57-32 |
18 |
Samarkand |
0(366) 233-81-31 |
19 |
Yunusabad |
0(371) 235-03-66 |
20 |
Andijon |
0(74)-228-42-80 |
21 | M. Ulugbek | 0(371) 266-83-54 |
Phone: (+99895) 144 60 00, (595) 142-60-00, (371) 202-01-01
Address: 100011 Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent city, Abai Str. 4а
E-mail: info@turonbank.uz
Факс: (371) 244 88 65
Phone: (371) 150 10 10, (371) 150 10 20
Address: 100072 Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Fergana Yuli Str. 2а
Факс: (371) 150 10 20
Phone: (371) 271-66-80, (371) 271 66 77
Address: 100135 Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent city, Region Chilanzar, Farhad Str. 6a
Факс: (371) 271 66 99
Phone: (95) 202 70 70, (371) 235 79 79
Address: 100017, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Yunusobod District 6, Hurshid Str. 85a
Факс: (95) 202 70 70
Phone: (371) 296 72 98, 294 56 94
Address: 100171 Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Karasuv Str. 4
Факс: (371) 296 72 98
Phone: (74) 228-44-08, (74) 228-44-19
Address: 170100, Republic of Uzbekistan, Andijan Region, Andijan, Boburshoh Str. 40a
Phone: (371) 266 83 47, (371) 266-83-54
Address: 100187, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent city, Mirzo Ulugbek District, Buyuk Ipak Yuli Str. 21...
Факс: (371) 266 83 47
Phone: (371) 202-01-01 (562), (371) 150 20 26
Address: 111800 Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent Region, Zanghiota District, Eshonguzar village, Mustaqillik ...
Факс: (371) 150 20 24
Phone: (369) 227-66-96, (369) 227 68 46
Address: 160133 Republic of Uzbekistan, Namangan Region, Namangan, Akhunbabaev Street, 68a
Факс: (369) 227 62 85
Phone: (95) 485 90 00, (373) 244-06-16, (373) 244 06 17
Address: 150117 Republic of Uzbekistan, Fergana Region, Fergana, Maarifat Str. 44
Факс: (95) 485 90 00
Phone: (367) 227-24-00, (367) 227 22 64
Address: 120100 Republic of Uzbekistan, Syrdarya Region, Gulistan, Khondamir Str. 77a
Факс: (367) 227 22 64
Phone: (372) 223-47-13, (372) 223 47 10
Address: 130100 Republic of Uzbekistan, Jizzakh Region, Jizzakh, Islam Karimov Str. 62
Факс: (372) 223 47 13
Address: 140118, Samarkand region, Bulungur district, MFM Mehrzhan, F. Yuldosha street, 24
Phone: (366) 233-81-31, (366) 231 07 72
Address: 140154 Republic of Uzbekistan, Samarkand Region, Samarkand, M. Ulugbek Str. 62a
Факс: (366) 233 72 94
Phone: (375) 522-57-32, (375) 522 50 70
Address: 181300 Republic of Uzbekistan, Kashkadarya Region, Shakhrisyabs, Ipak Yuli Str. 2a
Факс: (375) 522 57 32
Phone: (376) 223-06-99, (376) 223 18 99, 223 30 79
Address: 190100, Republic of Uzbekistan, Surkhandarya Region, Termez, F.Khodjaev Str. 32
Факс: (376) 223 18 99
Phone: (375) 225-60-44, (375) 225 59 81
Address: 180103 Republic of Uzbekistan, Karshi Region, Karshi, Kamilon Str. 28
Факс: (375) 225 59 81
Phone: (79) 220 64 94, (436) 224-47-39, (436) 224 21 08
Address: 210100 Republic of Uzbekistan, Navoi Region, M.Tarobiy Str.
Факс: (436) 224 21 08
Phone: (365) 223-59-97, (365) 223 01 25, 223 13 42
Address: 200113 Republic of Uzbekistan, Bukhara Region, Bukhara, I. Muminov Str. 29/1
Факс: (365) 223 01 25
Phone: (362) 225-84-50, (362) 225 84 89
Address: 220100 Republic of Uzbekistan, Khorezm Region, Urghench, Khonka Str. 104а
Факс: (362) 225 84 50
Phone: (361) 224 11 43
Address: 230100 Republic of Karakalpakstan, Nukus, Т.Kayidbergenov Str. 25а
Факс: (361) 222 56 63