Цвет: CC
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Обычная версия сайта
The most reliable and convenient way for entrepreneurs to manage their funds
International credit lines
International credit lines
Use credit lines on favorable terms for further development of business activities in various directions
Corporative Gold
Corporative Gold
Convenient tariff package for corporate clients: free payment transactions, free debit turnover, conversion option with profit
Turon Business
My bank
Turon Business
Ability to automate the financial
management of your business
International credit lines
Corporative Gold
Turon Business
Accounting and treasury operations
Turonbank provides quality settlement and cash services for payments and money transfers
The Bank, as your reliable financial partner, offers loans for the development of your business
Deposits on favorable terms for business
Plastic cards
Corporate cards for business on payroll project with favorable conditions
Foreign economic activity
Foreign trade transactions in the form of bank transfers, documentary letters of credit and bank guarantees
Distant account service
Manage your funds conveniently in 24/7 mode
Favorable banking tariffs for business representatives
Stocks, investments, corporate bonds, and certificates of deposit
For small business
Corporate cards in UZS HUMO
Plastic cards
Corporate cards in UZS HUMO
Turonbank corporate card is a means of payment, which is issued both to legal entities and to private entrepreneurs who are not legal entities.
36 000 sum
Card issue fee
0 sum
The service in a year
Corporate cards in UZS UZCARD
Plastic cards
Corporate cards in UZS UZCARD

Turonbank corporate card is a means of payment, which is issued both to legal entities and to private entrepreneurs who are not legal entities.

36 000 sum
Card issue fee
0 sum
The service in a year
Salary projects
Plastic cards
Salary projects
The Bank provides you with the services of cashless payment on Turonbank corporate cards, which are necessary for the functioning of your organization.
0 sum
Card issue fee
0 sum
The service in a year
Working capital replenishment
Together we will build the future of your company. We provide the opportunity to purchase raw materials, supplies and components, pay for services and work performed, replenish inventory or have the necessary funds for seasonal purchases.
Working capital replenishment
Plastic cards
Corporate cards
Convenient cards for financial transactions in business. Corporate cards of Turonbank provide a high level of service and convenience. Corporate plastic cards are opened in the name of financially responsible persons of the company and are linked to the account of the legal entity.
Corporate cards
The Internet-Banking system is intended for remote access of a client to a personal bank account in real time.
Up-to-the-minute information about your bank account status on your cell phone.
"One Touch" system is one of the first innovative services launched by Turonbank in Uzbekistan, designed for quick and easy receipt of payments.
"One Touch" program
You can familiarize yourself with the location of bank branches and ATMs on the interactive map
Subdivisions and branches
For purchase of any type of vehicles and cars on the primary and secondary markets
Сar loan
Client of the Turonbank's founded the Moxsar brand
"Moxsar" Oil Products Refinery Plant
Customers of Turonbank
At the moment, only oil refinery plants “Oltiarik”, “Ferghana” and “Bukhara” are operating in our country. But thanks to the initiatives of the Head of our state, an opportunity is being created for businessmen who want to establish their business in this direction. In particular, the Uzbek-Korean joint venture “Mokhsar”, which has implemented a project on oil refining on an area of 12 hectares in Jambay district of Samarkand region, is a clear confirmation of this.
Exclusive project of the company "Shashlikuz Group"
Our client launched a large Academy of Restaurants
Customers of Turonbank
"Gastro expert" is an exclusive project of "Shashlikuz Group" company with 10 years of experience in the city of Samarkand – academy, which has introduced a modern and unusual way of personnel training in the direction of restaurant and service. This mono-center provides an opportunity to professionally train young men and women with interests in the field of restaurant and hotel work and service as a qualified specialist.
«Genotexnologiya» klinik laboratoriyasi
Reception of "Genotechnology" Clinical Laboratory
Customers of Turonbank
«Genotexnologiya» klinik laboratoriyasi 2015 yilda faoliyat boshlagan boʼlib, Oʼzbekistonda birinchilardan amaliy tibbiyotda yuqori texnologiyali molekulyar genetik yondashuvlarni ishlab chiqib, joriy etgan brend hisoblanadi. Klinikada xromosoma, irsiy genetik va onkogematolik kasalliklar, trombofiliya bilan ogʼrigan bemorlarga tashxis qoʼyililadi. Shuningdek, keng koʼlamli molekulyar genetik, sitogenetik va klinik qon tekshiruvlari amalga oshiriladi.
«Peng-Sheng» korxonasi
Building of "Peng-Sheng" enterprise in Syrdarya region
Customers of Turonbank
Turonbank bilan hamkorlikda faoliyat boshlangan yirik brendlar haqida soʼz ketganda, xalqimizga “Sirdaryo kafel” nomi bilan yaxshi tanish boʼlgan, Sirdaryo viloyati Sirdaryo tumanidagi 100 gektar maydonda joylashgan “Peng - Sheng” Oʼzbekiston – Xitoy qoʼshma korxonasini keltirishimiz mumkin. “Turonbank” aktsiyadorlik tijorat bank bilan hamkorlik Yevropa davlatlari va Xitoydan eng soʼnggi rusumdagi texnologiyalarning olib kelinishi natijasida bugungi kunga kelib “Peng - Sheng” brendi ostidagi loyihalar soni 15 taga yetdi. Investitsiya hajmi esa 100 mln. АQSh dollaridan oshdi.
The Internet-Banking system is intended for remote access of a client to a personal bank account in real time.
Up-to-the-minute information about your bank account status on your cell phone.
"One Touch" system is one of the first innovative services launched by Turonbank in Uzbekistan, designed for quick and easy receipt of payments.
"One Touch" program
You can familiarize yourself with the location of bank branches and ATMs on the interactive map
Subdivisions and branches
For purchase of any type of vehicles and cars on the primary and secondary markets
Сar loan
Main Show on map
Single Call Center
Work schedule: 24/7
Work schedule: MO-FR 09:00-18:00
Countering corruption
Work schedule: MO-FR 08:00-22:00
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