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Together we will build the future of your company
Turonbank provides loans on favorable and uncomplicated terms for its corporate clients. Turonbank will help you to further expand your business and create favorable conditions for your employees.
"WELCOME" кредити
Туронбанк мижози бўлган ёки Туронбанкда ҳисобрақамга эга бўлган юридик шахслар ёки тадбиркорлар учун ҳар қандай бизнес мақсадларни амалга ошириш учун ажратиладиган кредит маҳсулоти
Production support

Loans that are provided to economic entities starting their production activities or for the purpose of expanding their activities.

Сar loan

It is provided to entrepreneurs for the purchase of any type of vehicles on the primary and secondary market.

Юридик шахс ёки юридик шахс мақомига эга бўлмаган тадбиркорларлик субъектларига ўз бизнесларини ривожлантириш учун миллий валюта сўмда ажратиладиган кредит маҳсулоти
Replenishment of working capital

Funds provided for such purposes as the purchase of raw materials, materials and components, payment for services and works rendered, inventory replenishment, gap widening, seasonal purchases, business expansion and others.


A loan product that is allocated for procurement of devices that generate renewable energy sources.


Funds provided through credit lines for the purposes of export-oriented trade operations and pre-export financing, as well as for replenishment of working capital during export on deferred payment terms.


Microloans are allocated in the amount of up to 1,000 (one thousand) minimum wages to support and develop small businesses and private entrepreneurship.


Any items used for entrepreneurial activity, including enterprises, property complexes, buildings, structures, equipment, vehicles and real estate, are provided to the lessee for purchase, possession and use for a fee under certain conditions.

Bank guarantee

The bank guarantee is provided for the purpose of securing the obligations of customers, including for the performance of construction and installation works, participation in tenders for the development of the project, as well as for other purposes that do not contradict the legislation.

Investment loan

Loans intended for construction, reconstruction or technical re-equipment and the acquisition or creation of other fixed assets necessary for the further development of production and service facilities.


Type of banking services for financing business entities. In accordance with it, the bank accepts the rights of business entities to collect payments for goods, works and services accepted by payers, without the right of Regression.

Халқаро кредит линиялар
Осиё тараққиёт банки иштирокидаги "Чорвачилик тармоғида қўшилган қийматни яратиш занжирини ривожлантириш" лойиҳаси, Халқаро қишлоқ хўжалигини ривожлантириш жамғармаси иштирокидаги “Қишлоқ хўжалигини диверсификация ва модернизация қилиш” лойиҳаси ва бошқа лойиҳалар.
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Remote registration and identification of new customers through My ID system
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Conversion services for convertible foreign currencies
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Payment by QR Code
You can pay for your purchase on the spot by HUMO PAY, QR code.
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Mobile application MyTuron
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