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Bank guarantee

The bank guarantee is provided for the purpose of securing the obligations of customers, including for the performance of construction and installation works, participation in tenders for the development of the project, as well as for other purposes that do not contradict the legislation.

up to 3%
Interest rate
Not limited
Credit term
Not limited
Loan amount

About loan

The bank guarantee is provided for the purpose of securing the obligations of customers, including for the performance of construction and installation works, participation in tenders for the development of the project, as well as for other purposes that do not contradict the legislation.

What is a bank guarantee?

A bank guarantee is a written obligation of the bank (guarantor) to the principal that the bank pays the amount of money in accordance with the terms of the obligation assumed by the guarantor, if the creditor of the principal (beneficiary) submits a written demand for payment of money to him.

Conditions Bank guarantees
1 Types of guarantees
  • Guarantee of fulfillment of the terms of the contract;
  • Guarantee for participation in tenders;
  • In order to guarantee customs payments;
  • In order to secure the client's obligations to foreign credit lines;
  • Guarantees for making an advance payment and others.
2 Bank commission
  1. To participate in tender and competitive bidding from UZS 2.0 million to 2% of the guarantee amount, depending on the type of collateral and the amount of the guarantee;
  2. Depending on the type of collateral and the amount of the guarantee for the payment of advance payments, the fulfillment of the terms of the contract and other guarantees and sureties, from UZS 2.0 million to 3% of the guarantee amount.
3 Guarantee period Not limited
4 Amount Not limited (the total obligation of one borrower and a group of related borrowers to the bank in an amount not exceeding 25% of the bank's first-tier capital)
5 Currency of the guarantee letter In national and foreign currency
6 Conditions
  • The client must have a positive credit history (that is, there should be no cases of overdue debt for more than 60 days on loans that were allocated and repaid earlier or on current loans, there should be no cases of debt that were transferred to the lawsuit or written off [transferred to account 95413]);
  • The creditworthiness indicator for the latest financial statements must have at least Grade 3;
  • The availability of own funds must be at least zero or must not end the last reporting period with a financial loss;
  • The borrower's main account must be serviced for the last 12 months (in case of activity less than 12 months – for the period of operation, but not less than 6 months) in the system of JSCB Turonbank, must carry out activities and must not have overdue accounts payable.
7 Security
  • pledge of liquid property or securities, cash 
  • insurance policy for insurance of the risk of non-fulfillment by the principal of the guarantee obligation
Service fee for bank guarantee is in link
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Take out a loan online

You can apply for a loan at a Bank branch or on the website. Online applications are accepted around the clock and are processed quickly.

Fill in the online application form. Our employee will contact you and tell you about the conditions of registration and issue.

Still have questions? You can take a look at our Q&A database.

Terms and Conditions

Required documents
1 Application for Guarantee;
2 the founding documents of the client receiving the letter of guarantee (the decision on the consent of the founder, the Charter, the order for the director).
3 a business plan that includes the entire period of use of the guarantee, indicating the cash flow analysis;
4 the balance sheet for the last reporting period submitted to the relevant tax inspectorate (Form No. 1), the report on financial results (Form No. 2), as well as reconciliation acts on debts for a period of more than 90 days;
5 audit report on the results of the last financial year;
6 Letter of guarantee security documents (provided security must cover 125 percent of the guarantee amount) (pledge of liquid property or securities, cash, insurance policy of insurance against the risk of non-fulfillment by the principal of the obligation under the guarantee);
7 Other required documents for a letter of guarantee.

The client must have a positive credit history (that is, there should be no cases of overdue debt for more than 60 days on loans that were allocated and repaid earlier or on current loans, there should be no cases of debt that were transferred to the lawsuit or written off [transferred to account 95413]),

  • pledge of liquid property or securities, cash
  • insurance policy for insurance of the risk of non-fulfillment by the principal of the guarantee obligation
How can I get a loan?
To fill out an application
Taking out the loan begins with filing an application online or in one of branches of the bank.
Wait for a decision
The application will be processed within one working day.

Prepare the required documents. A manager will contact you, elaborate details and arrange an appointment
Take out the loan
Once the application is approved, we will transfer the money you paid for purchase to the seller's bank account
We are happy to help you
Our consultants are here to help you with all your questions. Just give us a call or request a call back.
If you have any questions, our team will answer them.
1220, +998 95 144-60-00
Single Call Center
Work schedule: 24/7

MyTuron mobile application is equipped with interactive services and a calculator.

Online chat with the Bank's Support Service is also available.

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Remote registration and identification of new customers through My ID system
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Conversion services for convertible foreign currencies
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Payment by QR Code
You can pay for your purchase on the spot by HUMO PAY, QR code.
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