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Update date: 12 March 2024, 01:30

General information

Ichki strategik rivojlanish dasturiga muvofiq, Turonbank o‘z faoliyatining barqarorligini ta’minlaydi va asosiy e’tiborini o‘z resurslarining rivojlanayotgan istiqbolli sohalarga yo‘naltirish, iqtisodiyot real sektorini mablag‘ bilan ta’minlashda bank ishtirokini kengaytirish, mijozlar bazasini kengaytirish va diversifikatsiya qilish, raqobatli muhitni rivojlantirish va bank xizmatlarini yaxshilashga qaratadi.

Joint-stock commercial bank "Turonbank", existing in the financial market since 1990, is one of the largest banks in Uzbekistan and offers the population a wide range of services: from payment cards to profitable and reliable deposits. The bank successfully works with both legal entities and private clients. Turonbank is characterized by a high ability to fulfill its financial obligations in a timely manner and in full. Turonbank has 20 branches in all regions of the Republic. This allows you to work with clients throughout Uzbekistan and provide banking services and financial support to subjects of all sectors of the economy.

Full name

Joint Stock Commercial Bank "Turonbank"

Date of foundation

November 1990


0.60% individuals
99.40% legal entities

Number of corporate clients

21 272

Number of private clients

517 476

Number of branches


Banking service office


Regions of presence

Tashkent city and all regions of the republic


National rating: RA "AKHBOR - RATING" "UZA +" outlook "stable", 08.2022

International rating: RA "STANDART & POOR'S" "B" outlook "stable", 03.2022


Turonbank litsenziya - 0001.jpg
Remote registration and identification of new customers through My ID system
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Conversion services for convertible foreign currencies
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Payment by QR Code
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Mobile application MyTuron
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