The bank's environmental and social risk management system (ESRMS) includes measures that ensure an effective environmental and social (E&S) risk management system in the bank's active operations and investment activities. The Bank strives to prevent and/or minimize possible negative consequences in the environmental and social spheres both in the activities of the Bank itself and in the activities of its clients (in projects implemented at the expense of the Bank). By analyzing/assessing and making decisions based on these assessments.
In 2023, the Environmental and Social Risk Management Policy and Regulations on the Environmental and Social Risk Management System of JSCB "Turonbank" were developed and are in the process of approval.
In accordance with ESMS, the following functions are provided in the bank:
- Inclusion of E&S data in the bank's credit cycle, including the monitoring process;
- Functioning of the reporting mechanism on E&S aspects;
- Functioning procedure and mechanism for communicating with external parties;
- Ensuring information disclosure and public consultation (informing stakeholders).