20 employees of the Open Joint-Stock Commercial TuronBank from all branches had five-day training courses on "Strategy of attracting, keeping and developing talented employees".

According to organizers, the course provided an opportunity for employees of TuronBank to get exhaustive information in the field of personnel management with current technologies and international trends taken into account - both for beginner HR managers and experienced specialists.

Today, training has become especially important because with new technologies and techniques of working with personnel emerging every day. The seminars are conducted by experienced specialists. The courses will help to improve the quality of their work, to learn to analyze when employing, and take into account psychological, motivational and other factors.

The seminars covered such topics as new technologies and methods of personnel management, the legal regulation, the basics of communication with staff, motivation, time management, building effective work teams and others. Special attention was drawn to psychological training of HR staff, particularly, variations in approaches of working with personnel, the possible directions of development of human resources, new ideas to motivate staff.

The most important part of the seminar, according to organizers, were the debates, during which employees got answers to their questions, and lecturer examined each problem separately, giving advice from his own practice and justifying his words with legal norms.

Human resources remain relevant in any area of activity, particularly in the banking sector. For TuronBank, we have prepared special development program for HR- department, which covers various aspects and approaches of HR personnel’s activity, in particular, training in terms of labor legislation, HR outsourcing, and others. The courses provide not only theory, but practice, exploring new modern trends and issues related to workplace situations.

Our bank frequently organizes such training courses for employees, recently, we conducted seminars for departments of accounting and strategies. So, almost every month the administration of the bank makes a list of the most relevant topics the staff selects the topic for the next seminar.

At the end of the course everyone had received discs with the details of the lectures, including a set of practical techniques and tools for employing, adaptation, evaluation, training, motivation and stimulation of personnel, office management, as well as a set of sample documents regulating the activities of HR as well as, the certificates of professional development courses.