About the deposit
Funds on deposit are accepted in cash and in non-cash form from plastic cards of individuals.
The main term of the deposit is 18 months from the day following the date of deposit.
The amount of the initial deposit is UZS500,000 (five hundred thousand).
It is allowed to deposit additional funds in the amount of not less than UZS 500,000.
Accrued interest on the deposit is paid at the end of the deposit term.
Interest is capitalized monthly and means that interest accrued monthly is added to the principal amount.
Interest is accrued on the deposit from the day following the date of put of funds on the deposit.
When the client receives the deposited funds in full or partially before the due date:
no interest is paid on the deposit for incomplete months of holding;
- 16 percent for full months of holding from 1 to 3 months;
- 17 percent for full months of holding from 4 to 6 months;
- 18 percent for full months of holding from 7 to 12 months;
- 19 percent for full holding months of 13 to 17 months;
- 21 percent is paid for full holding months.
Terms of the Deposit
When the client receives the deposited funds in full or partially before the due date:
- no interest is paid on the deposit for incomplete months of holding;
- 16 percent for full months of holding from 1 to 3 months;
- 17 percent for full months of holding from 4 to 6 months;
- 18 percent for full months of holding from 7 to 12 months;
- 19 percent for full holding months of 13 to 17 months;
- 21 percent is paid for full holding months.
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